For more than 30 years IUPAC has sponsored a biennial international conference on physical-organic chemistry. In August 2002 it will be held at the Price Center on the campus of the University of California at San Diego. The campus is located in La Jolla, a coastal suburb of San Diego, with pleasant summer weather (Tmax ~ 25C, total rain in July + August = 3 mm).

It will emphasize the diversity of modern research in structural and mechanistic chemistry, with particular emphasis on understanding organic reactivity, intermolecular recognition, supramolecular chemistry, biological systems, and materials. In addition to invited speakers, there will be ample opportunity for contributed papers and posters. A welcoming reception will be held Sunday evening, 4 August. An afternoon excursion to the San Diego Zoo or a City/Harbor Cruise and a conference banquet are planned for Thursday 8 August as part of the optional activities. The sessions will finish at noon Friday 9 August. Housing and Meals will be available at modest cost on campus. The registration fees will be $450 for corporate participants or $350 for academic participants, and $175 for students (reduced from earlier estimates). Registration (deadline 1 June) and submission of abstracts for contributed papers and posters (deadline 15 May - oral presentations & 15 June - posters) will be online at this website.

To be placed on the mailing list for this conference, send an e-mail message to, with indication of whether you would like to submit a paper or poster, or mail your message to Prof. Charles L. Perrin, Dept. of Chemistry 0358, Univ. Calif. San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0358 USA