To register
for the meeting, please detach and complete the Registration Form
and return it with your payment by 1 June. Additional copies can
be downloaded as .pdf files at the link below. Information can also
be entered directly into a Word98 document linked below, but be
sure that it prints on one page. Electronic registration is not
available and the form must be mailed or faxed.
Payment must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank or by credit card
(VISA or MasterCard only remember to include the expiration
date). Personal checks, Cashiers Checks, or International Money
Orders in US dollars are also acceptable forms of payment. Do not
send cash. Checks must be made payable to "UC Regents, ICPOC16".
Note the participant's name somewhere on the payment. The completed
Registration Form and payment should be faxed to +1-(858)-534-2042
or mailed to: