Scientific Program

The scientific program will consist of Plenary Lectures, parallel sessions of Invited Speakers, Poster Sessions, and parallel sessions of Contributed Papers. The deadline for receipt of abstracts has passed. To be included in the Program and Book of Abstracts at least one author must be registered for the conference. All lecture rooms will be equipped with slide projectors and overhead projectors. It is possible that PowerPoint will be available, but in only one session at a time. The projector will be connected to computers that accept CD-ROMs or ZipDisks. You can request PowerPoint by sending email to, but be sure to bring slides or overheads as a backup.

Plenary Lectures

PL1 Vincenzo Balzani (Università di Bologna, Italy) Artificial Molecular-Level Machines: Which Energy to Make Them Work?

PL2 Jean-Pierre Sauvage (Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France) Transition Metal-Containing Catenanes and Rotaxanes in Motion: Towards Machines and Motors

PL3 George M. Whitesides, Mila Boncheva, Heiko Jacobs, David Gracias, Derek Bruzewicz (Harvard University, MA) Millimeter-Scale Self-Assembly and its Applications

PL4 Shunichi Fukuzumi (Osaka University, Japan) Catalytic Control of Electron Transfer Processes

PL5 Yitzhak Apeloig (Technion, Haifa, Israel) Low-Coordination Silicon Compounds: Interplay and Synergism Between Experiment and Theory

PL6 Ben L. Feringa (University of Groningen, Netherlands) In Control of Switching, Motion and Organisation

PL7 Eusebio Juaristi, Giselle A. Rosquete, Maribel Vazquez-Hernandez, Antonio J. Mota (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico) Salt Effects on the Conformational Behavior of Six-Membered Heterocycles

PL8 Peter Chen (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Organometallic Chemistry by Electrospray Ionization Tandem Mass Spectrometry

PL9 Armin de Meijere, Sergei Kozhushkov, Andrej Fokin, Peter R. Schreiner, Heiko Schill, E. Matthias Muller, Helmut Grubmuller, Ingo Emme, Stefan Redlich (Georg-August-Universität Gottingen, Germany) New Structurally Interesting Cyclopropane Derivatives - A World of Wonders and Surprises

PL10 J. P. Klinman (University of California, Berkeley) Environmentally Coupled Hydrogen Tunneling: Linking Catalysis to Dynamics

PL11 Axel Dorenbeck, Lars Eckard, Kai Naumann, Matthias Pankau, Gunther von Kiedrowski (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany) On Self-Replicating Systems and the Self-Assembly of Nanoobjects from Trisoligonucleotidyls

PL12 Donald Hilvert (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Directed Evolution of Enzyme Structure and Function

Invited Lectures

IA1 Y. Wang, H. Zipse (LMU München, Germany) Charge Distribution and Charge Separation in Radical Reactions

IB1 Jin-Pei Cheng, Xiaoqing Zhu, George P. Want, Yun Lu (Nankai University, China) Recent Applications of Driving Force Analysis on Some NO and NADH Model Reactions

IA2 Barry K. Carpenter (Cornell University, NY) Dynamic Behavior of Reactive Intermediates

IB2 Curt Wentrup, Chris Addicott, Michael Vosswinkel, Ullrich Mitschke, Arvid Kuhn (University of Queensland, Australia) New Aromatic Nitrene Rearrangements

IA3 Eva Harth, Brooke Van Horn, Victor Y. Lee, David S. Germack, Robert D. Miller, Craig J. Hawker (IBM Almaden Research Center, CA) A Facile Approach to Architecturally Defined Nanoparticles via Intramolecular Chain Collapse

IB3 Soledad Penades (Instituto de Investigaciones Quimicas, CSIC, Madrid) Glyconanotechnology: Gold Glyconanoparticles as Water-Soluble Polyvalent Tools to Study Carbohydrate Interactions

IA4 Merav Geva, Steve Weiner, Lia Addadi (Weizmann Institute, Israel) Transferring Chiral Information from Biological Macromolecules to Surfaces and Vice Versa

IB4 Fumio Toda (Okayama University of Science, Okayama, Japan) Structure and Reactivity of Compressed Organic Molecules

IC4 John C. Sherman (University of British Columbia, Canada) Construction, Structure, and Dynamics of Large Carceplexes

IA5 John I. Brauman, Colleen K. Regan, Stephen L. Craig (Stanford University, CA) Steric Effects and Solvent Effects in Ionic Reactions

IB5 Pavel Hobza (Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic) Noncovalent Interactions with the Participation of Hydrogen: Hydrogen Bonding, Improper Blue-Shifiting Hydrogen Bonding, and Dihydrogen Bonding

IC5 R. P. Tiger (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Associated Solutions as Pseudo-Polymer Self-Assembled Systems: New Approach to Liquid Phase Kinetics and Solvent Effects in Organic Reactions

IA6 Carolyn R. Bertozzi (University of California, Berkeley) Chemical Approaches to Modulating Cell Surface Architecture

IB6 Andrew J. Ventter, Todd O. Northcutt, William D. Jones (University of Rochester, NY) The Dynamics of Alkane Complexes as Intermediates in C-H Bond Activation Reactions

IC6 Kazunari Taira (University of Tokyo, Japan) Enhancement of Ribozyme Activities Based on Mechanisms

IA7 Rai-Shung Liu (National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan) Metal-Vinylidene Intermediates in Metal-Catalyzed Reactions

IB7 Sung Soo Kim (Inha University, South Korea) Mild and Very Efficient Oxidations of Organic Substrates

IC7 John P. Toscano (Johns Hopkins University, MD) Rational Design of Novel Photochemical Precursors to Nitric Oxide

IA8 William A. Goddard, III, X. Xu, D. Philipp, N. Vaidehi, D. Datta, R. Muller (California Institute of Technology, Pasadena) Determining Reaction Mechanisms of Catalytic Transformations from Quantum Mechanics

IB8 Jane Clarke, Robert Best, Susan Fowler, Annette Steward, Jose Toca Herrera, Emanuele Paci, Martin Karplus (University of Cambridge, UK) Combining Atomic Force Microscopy, Simulation and Protein Engineering to Investigate the Molecular Basis for Mechanical Strength in Proteins

IA9 Jik Chin, Fabrizio Mancin, Suhman Chung, Assaad Ghoussoub, Dong H. Kim (University of Toronto, Canada) Profound Effects in Molecular Recognition and Catalysis with One or Two Good Hydrogen Bonds in Water

IB9 Frank H. Quina, Carolina Vautier-Giongo, Paul F. Moreira Jr., Chang Yihwa, Joao C. Lima, Antonio L. Macanita (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil) Manipulating the Reactivity of Anthocyanins in Aqueous Micellar Media


Additional Lectures

LA1 Helmut Schwarz (Technischen Universität Berlin, Germany) Barrier Height Titration for Keto-Enol Tautomerization by Photoionization Combined with Chemical Monitoring

LB1 Stephen F. Nelsen, Asgeir E. Konraosson, Kye-Young Kim, Silas C. Blackstock (University of Wisconsin) Charge Delocalization Versus Localization in Intervalence Radical Cations Having 5, 7, and 9 Bond Aromatic Bridges

LC1 Withdrawn

LD1 Tanya Voloshchuk, Alexander Greer (City University of New York) Bilateral Symmetry in Natural Products

LA2 Philip S. Mayer, Jennie Kong, Thomas Hellman Morton (University of California, Riverside) Reactions of Gaseous Lewis Superacids with Weak Nucleophiles

LB2 M. P. Egorov, O. M. Nefedov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Radical Ions of Carbene Analogs: Generation and Structure

LC2 Donna J. Nelson, Ruibo Li, Christopher Brammer (University of Oklahoma) Mechanistic Information via Correlations of Additions to Alkenes

LD2 David M. Walba, Eva Korblova, Renfan Shao, Joseph E. Maclennan, Darren R. Link, Nattaporn Chattham, Matthew A. Glaser, Noel A. Clark (University of Colorado, Boulder) Liquid Crystal Conglomerates

LA3 Austin Acton, Annette D. Allen, Luis Antunes, Andrei Fedorov, Katayoun Najafian, Muhong Shang, Thomas T. Tidwell, Brian D. Wagner (University of Toronto, Canada) Pyridylketenes by Flash Photolysis: Generation, Observation, and Reactivity

LB3 Tom Bajorek, Nick H. Werstiuk (McMaster University, Canada) Pyrolysis and UV Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-6-en-2-one; Preparation and Detection of Cyclohepta-2(Z),4(E)-dien-1-one

LC3 Thomas Laube (Cilag AG, Switzerland) First X-Ray Single Crystal Structure of a Benzonorbornenyl Cation: A Nonclassical Ion

LD3 Roger Bishop, Solhe F. Alshahateet, Donald C. Craig, Christopher E. Marjo, A. Noman M. M. Rahman, Marcia L. Scudder (University of New South Wales, Australia) Crystal Engineering Design of New Lattice Inclusion Hosts

LA4 J. Narasimha Moorthy, Prasejit Mal, P. Venkatakrishnan (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur) Solid-State Photo-chemistry of o-Alkyl Aromatic Aldehydes: Mechanism, Conformational Control and Structure-Reactivity Correlations

LB4 H. Maskill, M. Eckert-Maksic, Z. Glasovac, I. Zrinski (University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle, UK) Alkane- and Arene-Oxodiazonium Ions

LC4 Claudio J. A. Mota, Daniel L. Bhering, Alain Goeppert, Jean Sommer (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Are Carbonium Ions Intermediates or Transition States in H/D Exchange in Superacid Solutions?

LD4 Cornelia Bohne, Ursula Kisiel, Andria S. M. Dyck (University of Victoria, Canada) Chiral Recognition and Kinetic Control of Cyclodextrin Self-Assemblies

LA5 Henrik Ottosson, Maria Brink, Helene Mollerstedt, Daniel Muthas (Uppsala University, Sweden) Consequences of T1-State Aromaticity for Z/E-Photoisomerizations of Olefins and for Fulvene Polarity

LB5 Shinjiro Kobayashi, Masanori Sakamoto, Yuji Hori (Kyushu University, Japan) Benzo-halolium Ion from ß-o-Halophenylvinyl Cation

LC5 Paul Müller, Jean-Claude Rossier, Jose-Luis M. Abboud (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Solvolytic Reactivity and Stability of Carbenium Ions; Beyond Bridgehead Derivatives

LD5 Andrei G. Kutateladze, Oleg D. Mitkin, Zaiguo Li, Alexei N. Kurchan, Loren A. Barnhurst (University of Denver, CO) Molecular Assembly and Disassembly: Dithiane and Trithiane-Based Photolabile Scaffolds for Molecular Recognition

LA6 Edward L. Clennan, Wenhui Zhou, Jacqueline Chan (University of Wyoming) Mechanistic Investigations of the Intrazeolite Photooxidations of Organic Sulfides in Sensitizer Doped Zeolite Y

LB6 Hiroshi Yamataka, Salai Cheettu Ammal, Misako Aida, Michel Dupuis (Osaka University, Japan) Is Pinacolyl Rearrangement Concerted?: Ab Initio Direct-MD Simulations and Dynamics-Driven Reaction Path

LC6 Mizue Fujio, Zvi Rappoport, Md. Khabir Uddin, Hyun-Joong Kim, Yuho Tsuno (Kyushu University, Japan) Substituent effects in the a,a-Diphenylcarbenium Systems: Hydration and Bromination of a,a-Diphenylethylene

LD6 Ke Zhang, Eriketi Loizidou, Raja Krishnaswami, Rema Balambika, Lifang Sun (San Diego State University, CA) Chiral Recognition in Microsolvation Domains of a Self-Assembled Amphiphilic Copolymer

LA7 Morifumi Fujita, Yuichi Sakanishi, Wan Hyeok Kim, Tadashi Okuyama (Himeji Institute of Technology, Japan) Cyclohexyne Formation from Iodonium Salts

LB7 Sosale Chandrasekhar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) Stereoelectronic Control in Migrations to Oxygen and Nitrogen Centers. What is the Best Formulation of the Principle of Stereoelectronic Control?

LC7 Robin A. Cox (University of Toronto, Canada) Nitramine Hydrolysis in Strong Acid: An Enforced SN2 Mechanism

LD7 Peter Rudolf Seidl, Katia Zuccur Leal, Julliane Yoneda Diniz (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brasil) Chemical Shifts as Probes for the Nature of Long Range Interactions in Substituted Adamantanes

LA8 P. C. Myhre, J. W. Tilley, U. H. Andrews, K. Maher, C. Chong, M. McAlpin, J. Johannes (Harvey Mudd College, CA) Trapping Intermediates in Chlorination of Hindered Aromatics

LB8 Andres Núñez, Dyanna Berroteran, Oswaldo Núñez (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela) Phospholidines Acid Hydrolysis. Evidence for Syn Lone Pair Catalysis

LC8 Li-Quan Sun, Minoru Maruyama, Akihiro Fukuda, Jun-ichi Hayami (Fukui University of Technology, Japan) Reinvestigation of SNAr Reactions in Solvents of Low Permittivity

LD8 Daniel Kost, Vijeyakumar Kingston, Boris Gostevskii, Inna Kalikhman (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) Correlation Between Spin Coupling Through the N->Si Dative Bond and Crystal Structures in Penta- and Hexacoordinate Silicon Complexes

LA9 Per Ahlberg, Mohamed Amedjkouh, Peter Dinér, Maria Hansson, Sten Nilsson Lill, Daniel Pettersen (Göteborg University, Sweden) Catalyzed Highly Enantioselective Deprotonations by Chiral Lithium Amides. Reagents and Activated Complexes

LB9 Zhan-Ting Li, Xiao-Zhong Wang, Xiao-Qiang Li, Xue-Bin Shao, Xin Zhan, Ying-Qi Chen (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai) Secondary Assembly of Hydrogen-Bonded Quadruple Dimers Driven by Donor-Acceptor Interaction. Chemistry Beyond Supramolecules

LC9 M. Lurdes S. Cristiano, Luis M. T. Frija, Rui M. S. Loureiro, Amadeu F. Brigas (Universdade de Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, Portugal) Structure and Reactivity of Heteroaromatic Allyl Tetrazolyl and -Isothiazolyl Ethers

LD9 Tomomi Kinoshita, Kunihiro Hisatsune, Masahiro Kawamura, Tsuyoshi Yorino, Takao Okazaki, Masaaki Mishima (Kyoto University, Japan) Experimentally Evaluated Solvation Energies for Cyclopentadienide Ions in Organic Solvents

LA10 Thomas Poon, Sara Bosio, P. Lakshminarasimhan, Xuegong Lei, Steffen Jockusch, Zhiqiang Liu, Waldemar Adam, Nicholas J. Turro (Claremont Colleges, CA) Thermal and Photochemical Control of Enantioselectivity using a Ship-in-a-Bottle Approach for Forming a-Methyldeoxybenzoin in Zeolite NaY

LB10 L. Sobczyk (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Proton Transfer Phenomena in Strongly Hydrogen Bonded Systems

LC10 Anthony F. Hegarty, Nuala M. Tynan, Suzanne Fergus (University College Dublin, Ireland) Imine Nitrogen Inversion Slowed by Trifluoroethyl Groups

LD10 Willem H. Mulder, Cyril Parkanyi (Florida Atlantic University) Evaluation of Ground State and Lowest Excited Singlet State Dipole Moments Using the Effect of Added Salt on Solvato-chromic Shifts

LA11 Petteri Rummakko, Gosta Brunow, Marco Orlandi, Maurizio Bruschi, Bruno Rindone (University of Milan, Italy) Asymmetric Biomimetic Oxidations of Phenols: The Mechanism of the Enantioselective Synthesis of (+)- and (-)- Dehydrodiconiferyl Alcohol

LB11 Miroslaw Szafran, Andrzej Katrusiak (A. Mickiewicz University, Poland) Molecular Structures and Hydrogen Bonds of 1:1 and 2:1 Complexes of Trigonelline with Mineral Acids. The Effect of Counterions

LC11 D. Lenoir, C. Chiappe, C. Polelli, M. F. Ruasse (GSF-Forschungzentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit, Neuherberg, Germany) Steric and Polar Substituent Effects on Stability of CT-Complexes of Alkenes and Bromine

LD11 Yoshitaka Goto, Toru Takahashi, Yasushi Ohga, Tsutomu Asano (Oita University, Japan) A Dynamic Solvent Effect Study by High-Pressure Kinetics

LA12 Claude F. Bernasconi, Philip J. Wenzel (University of California, Santa Cruz) How Does the Cyano Group Change the Relative Intrinsic Barriers to Proton Transfer from Carbon Acids Activated by þ-Acceptors?

LB12 Dan Johnels, Ulf Edlund (Umeå University, Sweden) Solid State NMR of Organolithium Complexes

LC12 Ilya Zharov, Tsu-Chien Weng, Anita M. Orendt, Dewey H. Barich, James Penner-Hahn, David M. Grant, Josef Michl(University of Colorado, Boulder) Backside SE2 Substitution on a Methyl Group of CB11Me12- Cluster by Group 14 Me3M+ Cations

LD12 P. Bruni, M. Iacussi, G. Tosi (Università di Ancona, Italy) Autoxidation of Phosphatidylcholine Liposomes in the Presence of Calf Thymus DNA

LA13 J. Peter Guthrie (University of Western Ontario, Canada) No Barrier Theory: A Method for Calculating Rate Constants from Equilibrium Constants

LB13 Gerd Gerdes, Peter Chen (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Investigation of a Platinum-Mediated C-H Activation Reaction by ESI MS

LC13 Eduardo Humeres, Regina F. P. M. Moreira, Maria da Gloria B. Peruch (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) Mechanism of Reduction of SO2 on Different Carbons

LD13 Addy Pross (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) On the Emergence of Biological Complexity: An Exploration of Replicative Complexity Space

LA14 R. A. More O'Ferrall, A. C. O'Donoghue (University College Dublin, Ireland) Estimation of pKas for Protonation of Carbenes

LB14 N. Sbarbati Nudelman, Guadalupe E. Garcia Linares, Graciela V. Garcia (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) Mechanistic and Synthetic Studies Involving Lithium and Copper Organometallic Compounds

LC14 Edgar Marquez, Armando Herize, Rosa M. Dominguez, Gabriel Chuchani (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas, Venezuela) The Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Homogeneous, Unimolecular Elimination of 2-Substituted Ethyl Methylcarbonates in the Gas Phase

LD14 Maria G. M. Purwanto, Wei Wang, Zhou Xiao, Klaus Weisz (Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, Germany) Structure-Affinity Relationship for Non-Natural Nucleosides Binding a CG Watson-Crick Base Pair

LA15 James J. Tait, J. Peter Guthrie (University of Western Ontario, Canada) Elucidation of Energy Barriers for the Dieckmann Condensation and the Application of Marcus Theory

LB15 Ming Zhou, Mikio Yasutake, Teruo Shinmyozu (Kyushu University, Japan) Synthesis, Structure, and Spectroscopic and Electrochemical Properties of [3n]Ferrocenophanes

LC15 John E. Baldwin, Richard C. Burrell, Edmund J. Keliher, Phyllis A. Leber (Syracuse University, NY) Stereochemistry and Mechanism of Thermal [1,3] Carbon Sigmatropic Rearrangements

LD15 Leonard Lermer, Yoann Roupioz, Richard Ting, David M. Perrin (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) The First Truly Catalytic RNaseA Mimic Composed of Modified DNA

LA16 Bruno Botta, Maurizio Botta, Antonello Filippi, Andrea Tafi, Giuliano Delle Monache, Maurizio Speranza (Università degli Studi di Roma, Italy) Enantioselective Guest Exchange in a Chiral Resorcin[4]arene Cavity

LB16 Edamana Prasad, Rebecca S. Miller, Robert A. Flowers, II (Texas Tech University) Ketone Reduction by Sm(II) Reagents. Rate and Mechanistic Studies

LC16 Janez Cerkovnik, Bozo Plesnicar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Low-Temperature Ozonation of Organometallic Hydrides: Characterization of Reactive Intermediates

LD16 M. J. Mphahlele (Medical University of Southern Africa, Republic of South Africa) Synthesis, Spectroscopic (NMR, IR), X-Ray and Computational Studies of 2-Aryl-3-bromoquinolin-4(1H)-ones

LA17 Masaaki Mishima, Hideaki Maeda, Maki Irie, Kiyoshi Kikukawa (Kyushu University, Japan) Structural Effects on Copper Ion (I) Affinities in the Gas-Phase

LB17 Anders Dahlén, Göran Hilmersson (Göteborg University, Sweden) Towards Instanta-neous Samarium Diiodide: Samarium Diiodide (SmI2) Mediated Reduction of Ketones

LC17 Ruomei Gao, David G. Ho, Timothy Dong, Matthias Selke (California State University, Los Angeles) Chemistry of Singlet Oxygen with Arylphosphines - Direct Observation of Intermediates Under Protic and Aprotic Conditions

LD17 Elizaveta Kossoy, Michal Soreni, Yuval Shoham, Ehud Keinan (Scripps Research Institute, CA) A Nanoscale Programmable Computing Machine with Molecular Input, Molecular Software and Bio-Functional Output

LA18 Bohdan Korybut-Daszkiewicz, Renata Bilewicz, Krzysztof Wozniak (Warsaw University, Poland) Homo- and Hetero- [2]Catenanes and Bismacrocycles Introducing Communication Between Two Metal Centers via þ-þ Interactions

LB18 T. W. Bentley, Z. H. Ryu (University of Wales, UK) Mechanisms of Solvolyses of Acid Chlorides

LC18 Dae Dong Sung, Jin Hee Jeong, Eun Ryung Lee, Yong Eun Cheon (Dong-A University, Pusan, South Korea) Reaction Mechanism of Carbenic Intermediates

LD18 Frederic Coutrot, David A. Leigh, Stephanie Potok, Jenny K. Y. Wong (University of Edinburgh, UK) Synthesis of New Rotaxane Building Blocks: Peptide Rotaxanes as Potential Prodrug Systems

LA19 Kenneth B. Wiberg, Patrick H. Vaccaro, James R. Cheeseman (Yale University, CT) Conformational Effects on Optical Rotation

LB19 M. Masamura (Okayama University Dental School, Japan) The Geometries of Biologically Important Ions in Water Clusters: Ab Initio Molecular Orbital Study

LC19 E. D. Raczynska, K. Wozniak (Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland) Perspectives in an Enhancement of the Gas-Phase Superbasicity Scale

LD19 Justin O. Brower, James S. Nowick (University of California, Irvine) Peptide ß-Hairpins Containing Ornithine Turns

LA20 B. A. Shainyan, S. V. Kirpichenko (Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk) DFT Study on 1,3-Thiasilacycloalkanes and their S-Functional Derivatives

LB20 AnnMarie C. O'Donoghue, John P. Richard, Tina L. Amyes (University of Buffalo, NY) Dynamics of the Proton Transfer Reactions Catalyzed by Triosephosphate Isomerase

LC20 Jeffrey D. Evanseck (Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA) Novel Transition Structure Interactions in Boron Lewis Acid Catalyzed Diels-Alder Reactions

LD20 William Adcock, Neil A. Trout (Flinders University of South Australia) The Origin of Diastereofacial Selectivity in Remotely Substituted 2-Adamantyl Cations

LA21 I. Milas, A. Martins, M. S. Pereira, M. A. C. Nascimento (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Theoretical Studies on Chemical Reactions Catalyzed by Zeolites

LB21 Jianguo Fang, Yujun Cai, Qingyi Wei, Li Yang, Long-Min Wu, Zhong-Li Liu (Lanzhou University, China) Antioxidative and Anticancer Effects of Resveratrol and its Analogues

LC21 Masaaki Mishima, Yi Xiong Lei, Zvi Rappoport (Kyushu University, Japan) Gas Phase Acidities of Enols of Carboxamides Activated by Electron-Withdrawing Groups

LD21 Maria Hansson, Per Ahlberg (Göteborg University, Sweden) Lithium Amide Dependent Diastereoselectivity in the 1,3-Proton Transfer of an Allylic Alkoxide to a Homoallylic Alkoxide

LA22 Vincent F. DeTuri, Heinz F. Koch (Ithaca College, NY) Investigations of Alkoxide-Promoted Dehydrohalogenations by Kinetic Studies and Molecular Orbital Calculations

LB22 Daron I. Freedberg, Susan O. Ano, Scott E. Norris (Laboratory of Biophysics, CBER/FDA) Three-Dimensional Carbohydrate Structure Determination from New NMR Parameters

LC22 V. D. Kiselev, G. G. Iskhakova, E. A. Kashaeva, M. S. Shihab, A. I. Konovalov (Butlerov Chemical Research Institute, Kazan State University, Russia) Lewis Acid Catalysis Effect on the Activation Volume of the Diels-Alder Reaction

LD22 S. Bahmanyar, K. N. Houk, H. J. Martin, B. List (University of California, Los Angeles) Quantitative Prediction of the Stereoselectivites of Proline-Catalyzed Direct Asymmetric Aldol Reactions

LA23 C. A. Hunter, C. M. R. Low, M. J. Packer, J. G. Vinter, C. Zonta (University of Sheffield, UK) From 1H NMR Chemical Shifts to the Three-Dimensional Structure

LB23 Guo-Zhen Ji (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai) Deaggregation of Organic Molecules

LC23 Chun Lei Zhao, Xiao Xing Du, Zhi Qin Jiang (Tongji University, Shanghai, China) Mechanistic Study on Transient Species of Unusual Nucleotide and Modified Guanosine by Flash Photolysis and Radiolysis

LA24 Hsian-Rong Tseng, Scott A. Vignon, Paul C. Celestre, J. Fraser Stoddart, Andrew J. P. White, D. J. Williams (University of California, Los Angeles) An NMR Kinetic Study of a Series of [2]Catenanes

LB24 N. Ouarti, I. B. Blagoeva, O. A. El Seoud, M. F. Ruasse (Université Paris, France) Buffers in Micellar Solutions

LC24 Anatoly K. Yatsimirsky, Paola Gomez-Tagle, Antonio Calderon (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico) Phosphodiesterolytic Activity of Lanthanide(III) Hydroxide Complexes with Weakly Coordinating Ligands


Poster Presentations

PA1 Marcos Caroli Rezende, Nelson Carrasco, Fernando Gonzalez-Nilo (Universidad de Santiago, Chile) Correlation Between Theoretical and Solution Basicity of Carbonyl Compounds

PA2 T. Rudka, M. Darowska, E. D. Raczynska, M. Decouzon, J.-F. Gal, P.-C.Maria, C. Dubin-Poliart (Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland) Gas-Phase Basicity of 2-(ß-Aminoethyl)-pyridine - Theoretical (DFT) and Experimental (FT-ICR) Studies

PA3 M. Darowska, E. D. Raczynska (Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland) Variations of Tautomeric Preferences in Histamine Monocation: Ab Initio Studies from the Gas Phase to Aqueous Solution

PA4 E. Gornicka, E. D. Raczynska, B. Dasiewicz, J. E. Rode, J. Cz. Dobrowolski (Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland) Theoretical (DFT) and Experimental (FT-IR and Raman) Studies on the Vibrational Dynamics of Cytisine

PA5 Paul G. Seybold, Kevin C. Gross, Chad A. Hollingsworth (Wright State University, Dayton, OH) Quantum Chemical Estimation of pK

PA6 Marcello Forconi, Nicholas H. Williams (University of Sheffield, UK) Effective Cooperative Interactions in Mimicking Metallophosphatases

PA7 Sayam Sen Gupta, Terrence Collins, Dieter Lenoir (GSF- Forschungzentrum fur Umwelt und Gesundheit) Rapid Destruction of Chlorophenols by Activated Hydrogen Peroxide in Presence of TAML Catalysts

PA8 K. Nagajyothi, P. S. Raghavan, R. Gopalan (Madras Christian College, India) Nanomolar Level Catalysis by Non-Ionic Surfactants in Borche's Reaction

PA9 Takeshi Tsumuraya, Benoit Gigant, Marcel Knossow, Masayuki Oda, Ikuo Fujii (Biomolecular Engineering Research Institute, Japan) Two Distinct Structures of Catalytic Antibodies Generated Against a Single Transition-State Analog

PA10 Leif M. Jacobson, JoAnn P. DeLuca (Central Washington University) C3O3: Computational Study of an Unusual Aromatic Compound

PA11 Jacques F. Dias, Peter R. Seidl, Jose Walkimar de M. Carneiro, Jose Glauco R. Tostes (Instituto Militar da Engenharia, Brazil) Hyperconjugation Through Space in Half-Cage Alcohols

PA12 Peter K. Freeman, Jelena E. Dacres (Oregon State University) Homoaromaticity of Some Related Carbene and Cationic Intermediates with the Potential for Transannular Interaction

PA13 Victor Manuel Gonzalez-Diaz, Jorge Antonio Guerrero-Alvarez, Armando Ariza-Castolo (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico) Structure Analyses of Benzene Derivatives

PA14 Aleksey E. Kuznetsov, Alexander I. Boldyrev (Utah State University) Aromaticity: From Organic Systems to All-Metal Systems and Back

PA15 Daryoush Tahmassebi, Thomas T. Tidwell (Brandon University, Canada) Theoretical Study of 1,2-Bisketenylethylene

PA16 Jeffrey Webb, Pei-Hua Lui, Yi Zhang, Olga L. Malkina, Nancy Goroff (State University of New York, Stony Brook) C4I4 and C4I2Br2: Two Novel Cumulenes

PA17 Guoqiang Yang, Hong Li, Liming He, Bo Zhong, Yi Li, Jing Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) New Crystal Structure and Luminescent Properties of Organic Compounds Induced by High Pressure

PA18 Zhong-Heng Yu, Xiao-Qi Peng (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) A New Energy Partition for Gaining Insight into Dependence of TS and TB Interactions on Bridge Characteristics

PA19 Z. Dega-Szafran, G. Dutkiewicz, Z. Kosturkiewicz (A. Mickiewicz University, Poland) Hydrogen Bonded Complex of L(+)-Tartaric Acid with N-Methylmorpholine Betaine

PA20 Charles L. Perrin, Brian K. Ohta, Jonathan S. Lau (University of California, San Diego) NMR Investigation of Dichloroacetic Acid-Pyridine Complexes

PA21 B. A. Shainyan, T. V. Raskulova, V. A. Komarova, A. K. Khaliullin (Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk) DFT Study of Protonation of N-Vinyl Acrylamides

PA22 N. N. Chipanina, L. V. Sherstyannikova, V. K. Turchaninov, B. A. Shainyan (Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk) H-Bonded Self-Associates of Perfluoroalkylsulfonamides. Gas Phase IR and DFT Study

PA23 Mark Sigalov, Vladimir Khodorkovsky (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) Intramolecular Interactions within the Indenone Series. NMR and Quantum Mechanical Investigation

PA24 V. A. Ozeryanskii, A. F. Pozharskii, E. Grech, J. Nowicka-Scheibe, W. Sawka-Dobrowolska, A. J. Bienko, Z. Latajka, L. Sobczyk (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Low Barrier Hydrogen Bond in Protonated 2,7-Dibromo-1,8-bis(dimethylamino)-naphthalene

PA25 A. Pawlukojc, I. Natkaniec, J. Nowicka-Scheibe, E. Grech, L. Sobczyk (University of Wroclaw, Poland) Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS) Studies on 2,5-Dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone (DHBQ)

PA26 Francesco G. Gatti, David A. Leigh, Andrew J. Wilson, Jenny K. Y. Wong (University of Edinburgh, UK) Spaced Out Binding Sites: Structural Requirements for the Hydrogen Bond-Directed Assembly of Rotaxanes

PA27 Krzysztof Wozniak, P. R. Mallinson, C. C. Wilson, E. Hovestreydt, E. Grech (Warsaw University, Poland) Charge Density Studies of Weak Interactions in Dipicrylamine

PA28 Krzysztof Wozniak, Paul Mallinson, Paulina Dominiak, Eugeniusz Grech (Warsaw University, Poland) Charge Density Studies of Neutral and Ionic Hydrogen Bonds in Model Schiff Bases

PA29 Paulina Dominiak, Krzysztof Wozniak (Warsaw University, Poland) H-Bonding Dependent Structures of (NH4+)3H+(SO42-)2

PA30 Lukasz Dobrzycki, Krzysztof Wozniak (Warsaw University, Poland) Structure of YAG Crystals Substituted with Erbium and Ytterbium

PA31 Grace Yang, Yitzhak Tor (University of California, San Diego) 2-(2-Pyrimidinyl)-3-pyridinol: Double Proton Transfer in an Asymmetric System

PA32 Michal Otyepka, Eva Jirásková, Jiri Kulhánek, Miroslav Ludwig, Tat'jana Nevecná, Oldrich Pytela (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic) Study of Protonation of ortho-Substituted Anilines by B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) Method

PA33 Miroslav Ludwig, Jiri Nádvornik, Martin Mansfeld, Patrik Parik (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic) The Comparison of Substituent Effects from Ortho and Para Position on Various Sets of Sulfonamides

PA34 Jiri Hanusek, Milos Sedlák, Jaromir Kaválek, Miroslav Ludwig (University of Pardubice, Czech Republic) Desulphurisation Reaction of 1-Methyl-2-(subst.phenyl)-quinazolin-4(1H)-thiones

PA35 Kazuhide Nakata, Mizue Fujio, Kichisuke Nishimoto, Yuho Tsuno (Hosei University, Japan) Theoretical Studies on Reaction Constants in Yukawa-Tsuno Equation

PA36 Ken Okamoto, Hiroshi Imahori, Shunichi Fukuzumi (Osaka University, Japan) Thermal Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Ferrocene-Quinone Linked Dyads Promoted by Metal Ions


PA38 Alejandra Gallardo-Godoy, Bruce K. Cassels, Marcos Caroli Rezende (Universidad de Santiago, Chile) Structure-Activity Relationships in a Series of MAO-A-Inhibiting 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-alkylthiophenylalkylamines

PA39 Sang Jin Han, Jin Hee Jeong, Yong Eun Cheon, Dae Dong Sung (Dong-A University, Pusan, South Korea) Carbene Selectivity for Substituted Ambiphile Intermediate

PA40 Jin Hee Jeong, Yong Eun Cheon, Eun Ryung Lee, Dae Dong Sung (Dong-A University, Pusan, South Korea) LFER Application and Comparison for Solvent Ionizing Power Equation and Solvatochromic Parameter Equation in Solvolyses Involving Trifluoroacetate Leaving Groups

PA41 P. Bruni, M. Iacussi, G. Tosi (Università di Ancona, Italy) Autoxidation of Phosphatidyl-choline Liposomes Promoted by Cytochrome C: The Effect of DNA

PA42 Y. Roupioz, N. Berthet, J.-F. Constant, M. Kotera, J. Lhomme (Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France) The 2-Deoxyribonolactone Lesion: Study of the Biological Impact of this DNA Damage

PA43 Dennis Hurley, Susan Seaman, Jan Mazura, Yitzhak Tor (University of California, San Diego) Fluorescent Probes for the Study of Oligonucleotide Interactions

PA44 Scott F. Singleton, Jie Xiao, Andrew M. Lee (Rice University, TX) Nucleic Acid Dynamics in Genomic Repair and Recombination

PA45 Richard Ting, David M. Perrin (University of British Columbia, Vancouver) Synthesis and Incorporation of a Novel DNA Polymerase Substrate for Enhancing the Catalytic Repertoire of Chemical DNA

PA46 Luis M. Campos, Hung Dang, Danny Ng, Zhe Yang, H. Leonardo Martinez, Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay (University of California, Los Angeles) Engineering Reactions in Crystals: A DFT Approach to Predicting the Photochemical Decarbonylation of Ketones

PA47 Henryk Koroniak, Piotr Karwatka, Tomasz Cytlak (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland) Photochemical Behaviour of 5-Perfluoroalkenyl Uracils

PA48 Yi Li, C. J. You, R. Xie, Y. Y. Gao, L. P. Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing) Synthesis of a Polymer-bound Sensitizer and its Application in the Photoisomerization of Tachysterol into Previtamin D3

PA49 Rika Nogita, Kumi Matohara, Takuma Oda, Minoru Yamaji, Shinjiro Kobayashi, Teruo Shinmyozu (Kyushu University, Japan) A Study of the Photochemistry of Multibridged [3n]Cyclophanes

PA50 Sara K. Avrantinis, Ryan L. Stafford, Xia Tian, Gregory A. Weiss (University of California, Irvine) Dissecting the Streptavidin-Biotin Interaction by Phage-Displayed Shotgun Scanning

PA51 Roger Bishop, Solhe F. Alshahateet, Donald C. Craig, Marcia L. Scudder (University of New South Wales, Australia) Host Pre-Resolution versus Self-Resolution in the Formation of Helical Tubulate Inclusion Compounds

PA52 Michal Soreni, Elizaveta Kossoy, Yuval Shoham, Ehud Keinan (Scripps Research Institute, CA) Monitoring the Molecular Computing Process in Real Time with SPR and QCM Biosensors

PA53 Patrick Barton, Christopher A. Hunter, Timothy J. Potter, Simon J. Webb, Nicholas H. Williams (University of Sheffield, UK) Transmembrane Signaling

PA54 C. J. M. Stirling, S. J. Webb, N. H. Williams (University of Sheffield, UK) Modification of the Surface Properties of Materials; Combining Hydrophobicity with Oleophobicity

PA55 E. L. Doyle, C. A. Hunter, H. Phillips, S. J. Webb, N. H. Williams (University of Sheffield, UK) Cooperativity of Binding Interactions at Lipid Bilayer Surfaces

PA56 Jason Derman, Charles L. Perrin (University of California, San Diego) Differential Differential Calorimetry

PA57 G. G. Iskhakova, V. D. Kiselev, M. S. Shihab, R. van Eldik (Butlerov Research Institute, Kazan State University, Russia) Solvent Effect on the Volume of the Zwitterionic Adduct of Tributylphosphine with Carbon Disulfide

PA58 V. D. Kiselev, E. A. Kashaeva, L. N. Potapova, G. G. Iskhakova, A. I. Konovalov (Butlerov Research Institute, Kazan State University, Russia) Solvent Viscosity Effect on the Rate and Activation Volume of the Diels-Alder Reaction

PA59 V. D. Kiselev, G. G. Iskhakova, M. S. Shihab, E. A. Kashaeva, A. I. Konovalov (Butlerov Research Institute, Kazan State University, Russia) Specific Interactions Effect on the Partial Molar Volumes, Volumes of Activation and Reaction

PA60 Masanori Sakamoto, Shinjiro Kobayashi (Kyushu University) Solvent and Salt Effect on Vinyl Cation Generated by Laser Flash Photolysis

PA61 Sara R. Halper, Seth M. Cohen (University of California, San Diego) Supramolecular Complexes Based on Dipyrromethene Ligands

PA62 Jeffrey S. Hannam, David A. Leigh (University of Edinburgh, UK) Mechanically Interlocking Auxiliaries: Rotaxanes Made to Order

PA63 Kevin D. Bunker, Joseph M. O'Connor (University of California, San Diego) Isolation and Reactivity of

PA64Seth J. Friese, Joseph M. O'Connor (University of California, San Diego) Mechanistic Studies of Ruthenium Mediated Cycloaromatization Reactions of Enediynes

PB1 Evgen Erzen, Janez Cerkovnik, Bozo Plesnicar (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) Cis/Trans Isomerism in Alkyl Hydrotrioxides: The Case of Norcarane and 2-Norcaranole

PB2 Charles L. Perrin, Joshua Kuperman (University of California, San Diego) Absence of the Reverse Anomeric Effect in Tetramethylglucosylanilines

PB3 Charles L. Perrin, Brian K. Ohta, Joshua Kuperman (University of California, San Diego) Secondary ß-Deuterium Isotope Effects on Amine Basicity

PB4 Omar Muñoz-Muñiz, Eusebio Juaristi (Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico) Computa-tional Determination of the Enthalpic and Entropic Contributions to the Conformational Preference of Monosubstituted Cyclohexanes

PB5 Artem Novoselsky, Robert Glaser (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) Solid-State CPMAS NMR Studies on Conformational Polymorphism in Sertraline Hydrochoride, an Antidepressant Drug

PB6 Katsuhiko Okano, Nobumitsu Dou, Ai Ohgami, Hiroshi Tsukube, Kenzi Hori (Daiichi Pharmaceutical Co., Japan) Stable Conformations of 12-Crown-O3N and its Li+ and Na+ Complexes in Aqueous and CH3CN Solutions

PB7 Caroline Pharr, John D. Thoburn, James P. Parakka, Robert R. Schumaker (Santa Clara University, CA) Dynamic NMR Studies on Dithiocarbamates and Dithiocarbamate Switches

PB8 John D. Thoburn (Santa Clara University, CA) Quantum Dynamics of [1,7] Hydrogen Shift in Z,Z-1,3,5-Heptatriene: Implications for Kinetic Isotope Effects and Swain-Schaad Exponents

PB9 Kan Wakamatsu, Shinji Toyota, Michinori Oki, Kichisuke Nishimoto (Okayama University of Science, Japan) B3LYP Study on Stabilizing Factors in ap-1-(9-Fluorenyl)-2-(2-halo-1-methylethenyl)naphthalenes Relative to the sp-Forms: Three-Body þ-þ-þ Bonding and Charge-Transfer Interactions

PB10 Md. Khabir Uddin, Mizue Fujio, Syun-ichi Kiyooka, Hyun-Joong Kim, Yuho Tsuno (Kyushu University, Japan) The Conformational Dependence of Substituent Effects on the Solvolysis of 1,1-Diphenylethyl System

PB11 Tom Bajorek, Nick H. Werstiuk (McMaster University, Canada) Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy in the Study of Transients and Reaction Mechanisms

PB12 Michelle N. Chretien, Gonzalo Cosa, J. C. Scaiano (University of Ottawa, Canada) Dramatic Enhancement of Carbanion Lifetimes by Zeolite Inclusion

PB13 Anthony F. Hegarty, Patrick O'Donnell, Greg Lawrence (University College Dublin, Ireland) Heteroarynes: Synthesis and Trapping

PB14 Ben Allen, Daniel J. O'Leary (Pomona College, CA) Fomenting Anisochronicity in the CH2D Group

PB15 D. Madrigal, G. Pina-Luis, I. A. Rivero (Technological Institute of Tijuana, Baja California) Hydrolysis Time-Course Monitoring of Sasrin-Like Resin Bound Imines by Fluorescence Spectroscopy

PB16 G. Pina-Luis, M. E. Diaz-Garcia, I. A. Rivero (Technological Institute of Tijuana, Baja California) Monitoring the Progress and the Reaction Kinetics of Hydroxyl-Resins Conversion in Chlorinated Ones by Fluorescence Spectroscopy

PB17 A. Basagoitia, M. Castillo, G. R. Echevarria Gorostidi, J. G. Santos, F. Garcia Blanco (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) Influence of the Polarity of the Medium on the Reaction of Pyridoxal 5'-Phosphate with L-Tryptophan

PB18 E. A. Castro, M. Aliaga, P. Campodonico, J. G. Santos (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) Kinetics and Mechanism of the Aminolyses of 4-Nitrophenyl and 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Methyl Carbonates and Phenyl 2,4-Dinitrophenyl Carbonate

PB19 Paola Campodonico, Jose G. Santos, Juan Andres, Renato Contreras (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) Relationship Between Nucleophilicity/Electrophilicity Indexes and Kinetic Parameters for the Reactions of Carbonyl and Thiocarbonyl Compounds with Neutral and Charged Nucleophiles

PB20 Tiu-Shang Leu, Chun-Shan Wang (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan) Studies on Kinetics and Mechanisms for the Formation of Polyimide Containing Naphthalene Structure

PB21 Sosale Chandrasekhar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) New and Revised Definitions: Microscopic Reversibility, the Curtin-Hammett Principle and 'Pseudo-Thermodynamic Control'

PB22 Sosale Chandrasekhar (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) The Complementarity Principle in Physical Organic Chemistry: A Pluralistic Formalism for Organic Reaction Mechanisms

PB23 Josiel B. Domingos, Faruk Nome, Clifford A. Bunton (University of California, Santa Barbara) Reactions of Bis(2,4-dinitrophenyl) Phosphate with Hydroxylamine Derivatives

PB24 Tracy Mitchell, Timothy Clark, Jeremiah Fillo, Yin Sian Lai, Patricia Benton, Tammy J. Dwyer (University of San Diego, CA) Kinetics and Mechanism of Quinoxaline Formation: Experimental and Computational Studies

PB25 E. Norambuena, C. Olea-Azar, M. V. Encinas (Universidad de Santiago, Chile) Photoreduc-tion of 4-Substituted Nitrobenzenes in the Presence of Amines

PB26 Silvia M. M. A. Correia, M. Lurdes S. Cristiano, David J. P. Gago (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal) Solvolytic Studies in Heteroaromatic Aryl Ethers

PB27 E. Goldstein, A. G. Leach, K. N. Houk (California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA) Competition Between Stepwise and Concerted, and Allowed and Forbidden Cycloadditions of Cycloheptatriene and Cyclopentadiene

PB28 James E. Johnson, Houquan Dai (Texas Woman's University) Mechanisms of Acid-Catalyzed Z/E Isomerization of Imines in Acetonitrile

PB29 Hyun-Joong Kim, James C. Fishbein (University of Maryland) The Study of the N-Nitroso-a-hydroxymorpholine and N-Nitroso-a-acetoxymorpholine in Aqueous Solution

PB30 Vera M. Kolb, Patricia A. Colloton, Kevin J. Rapp (University of Wisconsin-Parkside) Reactions of Urazole in the Aqueous Medium: a) Intrinsic Selectivity and the a-Effect in the Reactions with Sugars; b) Complexation with Metals

PB31 Vera M. Kolb, Matthew G. Donahue, Eric A. Putnam (University of Wisconsin-Parkside) Nitration of Alkyl Phenyl Ketones with Acetyl Nitrate and Mixed Acid

PB32 Ctibor Mazal, Miroslav Zahadal, Petr Bouzek, Stanislav Standara (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) Z-E Isomerization of 3-(X-Methylene)dihydro-2(3H)-furanones

PB33 Heidi M. Muchall, Pratibha Malla (Concordia University, Canada) Electronic Factors in the Formation of Dimers from Aromatic N-Sulfinylhydrazines

PB34 Hiroyuki Nohira (Saitama University, Japan) A New Aspect of Organic Reactions Through Dynamic Correlation Diagrams

PB35 Brian K. Ohta, Christopher S. Foote (University of California, Los Angeles) The Antioxidation Mechanism of Vitamin B6

PB36 Brian K. Panama, Wei Wei Liao, Karen Dingley, Daniel Schlenk, Thomas Hellman Morton (University of California, Riverside) Covalent Modification of DNA by Nitrosamines

PB37 Enrique A. Castro, Paulina Pavez, Jose G. Santos, Alejandro Toro-Labbe (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile) Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Reactivity of Alkyl Aryl Carbonates and Thio Analogues with a Series of Substituted Phenols and Thiophenols

PB38 Santosh S. Thakur, Kallol K. Ghosh, Sung Soo Kim (Inha University, South Korea) Mechanism of Base Promoted Hydrolysis of Monohydroxamic Acid

PB39 D. A. Turaeva, Yu. V. Kurbatov (Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan) Study of Mechanism of Reaction of Diaryloxymethylation of Pyridine N-Oxides and 2-Methylpyridine with Metal Ketyls and Benzophenone Dianion

PB40 Kazuaki Yoshimura, Hidetoshi Ono, Kenzi Hori (Yamaguchi University, Japan) Theoretical Study on Asymmetric Anionic Polymerization Mechanism of N-Substituted Maleimide with a Zn Complex

PB41 Christian Adlhart, Peter Chen (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Ligand Rotation Distinguishes First - and Second-Generation Ruthenium Metathesis Catalysts

PB42 Zhi-Xiang Yu, K. N. Houk (University of California, Los Angeles) Why Trimerization? A Theoretical Study of the Origin of Selective Trimerization of Ethene Catalyzed by TaCl3(CH3)2 and a New Agostic-Interaction-Assisted Hydride Transfer Mechanism

PB43 Igor V. Alabugin, Serguei Kovalenko, Mariappan Manoharan (Florida State University) C1-C5 Cyclization of Enediyne Radical-Anions

PB44 Pavel V. Poliakov, Norihiko Takeda, A. R. Cook, J. R. Miller (Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY) Unimolecular Dissociation Kinetics of Aromatic Halide Radical Anions Studied by Pulse Radiolysis

PB45 James B. Gerken, R. Daniel Little (University of California, Santa Barbara) Substituent-Controlled Rearrangements of Housane-Derived Cation Radicals

PB46 Olga T. Kasaikina, Victor V. Vedutenko, Zoya S. Kartasheva (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) Oxygen Partial Pressure and Solvent Effects on Free Radical Oxidation of ß-Carotene

PB47 Peter Dinér, Daniel Pettersen, Mohamed Amedjkouh, Sten Nilsson Lill, Per Ahlberg (Göteborg University, Sweden) Computational Study of the Stereoselectivity in the Deprotonation of Cyclohexene Oxide with a Chiral Lithium Amide in a Mixed Heterodimer

PB48 Marco Ackermann, Uwe Schroder, Stefan Berger (Universität Leipzig, Germany) Mechanistic Investigations on the Stereochemistry of Wittig Reactions

PB49 Todd A. Davis, Robert A. Flowers, II (Texas Tech University) Asymmetric Reduction of ß-Fluoroketones by Metal Reducing Reagents. Mechanistic Studies.

PB50 Ruedi Hartmann, Peter Chen (ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Improving the Reactivity of Noyori's Hydrogenation Catalysts using Novel Mechanistic Insights

PB51 Anna Johansson, Johan Granander, Richard Sott, Göran Hilmersson (Göteborg University, Sweden) Chiral Organolithum Complexes: NMR Studies and Asymmetric Synthesis

PB52 Daisuke Kaneno, Shuji Tomoda (University of Tokyo, Japan) Origin of Diastereofacial Selection. Evidence for Negative Antiperiplanar Hyperconjugation and Importance of Substrate Population

PB53 Philip S. Mayer, Jennie Kong, Thomas Hellman Morton (University of California, Riverside) Gaseous Cations from Tritium Decay: Neutral Products from the Reaction of Protonated Acetaldehyde with Allyltrimethylsilane

PB54 Patrick S. Lee, Xiyun Zhang, K. N. Houk (University of California, Los Angeles) Origins of Inward Torquoselectivity by Silyl Groups and Other s-Acceptors

PB55 Michael D. Staake, Trevor C. McMorris (University of California, San Diego) Resolution of Both Enantiomers of 5-Chloro-5-methylcyclopentenone

PB56 Yutaka Tsuji, Tetsuo Mori, John P. Richard (Kurume National College of Technology, Komorino, Japan) Stereochemistry of Ion Pair Return in Aqueous Solution

PB57 Hiroko Nakagawa, Yuuki Kobori, Maiko Yoshida, Koh-ichi Yamada (Josai University, Japan) A Study on Chiral Recognition of Phophatidylcholine Bilayers Using [5]Thiaheterohelicene as a Probe

PB58 Amos Ben-Asuly, Lev Shapiro, Arkady Ellern, Vladimir Khodorkovsky (Ben-Gurion University, Israel) Synthesis of Novel Indolo[3,2,1-jk]carbazole Derivatives

PB59 Carissa Jones, Brian Halton (Victoria University, New Zealand) Dithiole-Containing Cycloproparenes

PB60 Jon C. Loren, Jay S. Siegel (University of California, San Diego) Synthesis of Chiral and Achiral [2]Catenanes Based on Polypyridine Metal Coordinating Templates

PB61 Jacqueline Ruiz, Jay Siegel (Univ of California, San Diego) Synthesis of Inhibitors for HIV-1 Integrase

PB62 Yoshitake Suzuki, Fumiyasu Ono, Kenji Manabe, Yoshito Takeuchi (Kanagawa University) Synthesis and Structure of 5,5,6,6,21,21,22,22-Octamethyl-5,6,21,22-tetragerma[10.10]-paracyclophane

PB63 A. S. Yanni (Assiut University, Egypt) Synthesis of Some New Bispyrrolidine Derivatives for Biological Interest

PB64 Yusuke Sugiyama, Taku Matsumoto, Miki Nishikawa, Yoshito Takeuchi (Kanagawa University) Synthesis and Hypervalency of Some Triarylgermanes

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