interested in contributing to the scientific program are invited
to submit an Abstract, following the pattern exhibited in
the example. Please read
carefully the instructions concerning preparation of camera-ready
copy. Files can be converted to universally readable .pdf
format with Adobe Acrobat, available from,
or with Ghostscript, available gratis from
Abstracts are limited to a single page. The entire abstract
must fit within an area 6.5 in (16.5 cm) wide x 9 in (22.85
cm) high. If you use symbols or Greek letters, be sure that
they will print properly. Abstracts will not be retyped before
publication, and poorly prepared abstracts, or those that
fail to follow the instructions, will not be accepted. Abstracts
are limited to a single page. The entire abstract must fit
within an area 6.5 in (16.5 cm) wide x 9 in (22.85 cm) high.
If you use symbols or Greek letters, be sure that they will
print properly. The deadline for receipt is 1 May 2002, but
abstracts for poster presentation will be accepted until 15
Abstracts may be sent as an e-mail attachment to
(in yourname.RTF format or yourname.pdf), by fax to +1-858-822-0386,
or as an unfolded sheet by mail to
ICPOC16 c/o Teresa Silva
Dept. of Chemistry 0358
Univ. Calif. San Diego
La Jolla, CA 92093-0358 USA.
Authors will be notified by email before 15 May regarding
the acceptance of their abstract, and whether the presentation
is to be given orally or as a poster. Abstracts received between
2 May and 15 June will be scheduled for poster presentation,
and authors will be notified regarding acceptance within one
week of receipt by ICPOC. To be included in the Program and
Book of Abstracts at least one author must be registered for
the conference.
Two separate poster sessions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday
from 3:50-6:30 PM. A 4' x 4' (120 x 120 cm) area is designated
for each poster. Push pins are provided.
A committee will select the best poster. The winner will be
announced at the Closing Ceremony on Friday morning 9 August.
SAMPLE ABSTRACT - word document